
To support the dialogue between science and society, as well as researchers across different disciplines, IRI THESys holds both external and internal events. This includes lecture series, summer universities and panel discussions open to the public, and participative workshops, colloquiums and activities for IRI THESys. Browse through our past and upcoming events to find out more.

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  • Sep

    Water in Flux

    On September 11th-12th from 19:30-22:30, the project AnthropoScenes invites you to explore water under change at the international literature festival berlin (ilb). The event will begin with a reading of ‘Das Wasser’ by Kathrin Röggla which paints a picture of a society oscillating between extreme rainfall and excessive heat—a society edging closer to the growing abyss of its own excess. In the reading, prominent actors will recite Röggla's text, which draws attention to the role of water within current and future socio-ecological transformations.

    Afterwards, a public dialogue with the audience, author and scientists from the Einstein Research Unit Climate and Water Under Change (CliWaC) on the highly charged topic of water will ensue. This will include fellow THESysians Jörg Niewöhner and Peter Feindt as well as CliWaC Postdoc Sonja Knopp on Sunday,  and Desirée Hetzel and Tobias Krüger on Monday. By opening the format, participants will not only be able to ask questions about the play, but have the opportunity to explore their own relationship and connections to water.

    By opening the format, participants will not only be able to ask questions about the play, but have the opportunity to explore their own relationship and connections to water.

    Tickets are available for both evenings through the ilb website (please note the event will be held in German)

    The event is a production of the Theater of the Anthropocene in cooperation with the international literature festival berlin (ilb) and AnthropoScenes (funded within the framework of the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state government by the Berlin University Alliance).