From September 28 to 30, the fourth cohort of the Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership started their learning journey with the four academic partners IRI THESys, Leuphana University, Stockholm Resilience Center and DRIFT from the University of Rotterdam. Twenty postdocs based at different European research institutes and universities shared their first ideas on regnerative development after crisis.
THESys Members Bettina König, Jörg Niewöhner, Tobias Krüger and Tim Moss were happy to contribute to teaching and discussions, but moreover to involve the Open Humboldt Project, the Humboldt Lab as well as the Theatre of the Anthropocene to discuss opening up research and universities from different perspectives.
Thanks to Kathrin Klementz, Sophia Kipp and Wiebke Hampel, the event was planned as a safe in-person seminar. Although originally planned for three cohorts, the Postdoc Academy team is preparing the call for the fifth cohort and ideas for a continuation and further development of the programme, supported by Beril Ocaklı.