THESys Doctoral Researcher Ingrid Schulte just published the first paper of her PhD, a topical review in Environmental Research Letters as a part of the focus collection on Tropical Landscape Restoration.
What influences the implementation of natural climate solutions? A systematic map and review of the evidence
The paper, co-authored by Jonas Ø. Nielsen and colleagues from HU Geography and the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, presents a systematic review that synthesizes and maps the bottom-up evidence on the contextual factors that influence the implementation of natural climate solutions (NCS) in the peer-reviewed literature. Drawing from a large global collection of (primarily case study-based, N = 211) research, it (1) clarifies the definition of NCS, including in the context of nature-based solutions and other ecosystem-based approaches to addressing climate change; (2) provides an overview of the current state of literature, including research trends, opportunities, gaps, and biases; and (3) critically reflects on factors that may affect implementation in different geographies.
Ingrid Schulte at al (2022) What influences the implementation of natural climate solutions? A systematic map and review of the evidence, Environmental Research Letters 17, link

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