The latest KOSMOS-Lesung held on 25 November 2021 with legal scholar Ann-Katrin Kaufhold (LMU Munich) is now available on the IRI THESys YouTube channel.
Law as the basis and limit of climate protection
The evening, titled “Recht als Grundlage und Grenze von Klimaschutz. Die “Tragedy of the Horizons” und der intertemporale Freiheitsschutz”, was all about law as the basis and limit of climate protection. Prof. Ann-Katrin Kaufhold explored the question of what institutions such as courts and central banks can, should, must do to protect the climate when many people no longer trust politics to deal with climate change. Her lecture was followed by a comment by Christian Calliess (FU Berlin) and moderated by Theresa Frommen (IRI THESys).
The event was livestreamed on YouTube and is now permanently available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ6j3_DO7sM
What is the KOSMOS Lecture Series?
In his famous Kosmos lectures in the Senate Chamber of HU Berlin and today’s Gorki Theatre, Alexander von Humboldt brought the whole world and every scientific discipline within the span of his attention. He looked at the world from a global perspective in which natural and cultural phenomena are connected in a mutual symbiosis. With the new KOSMOS Lecture Series, which has started in 2019, the Humboldt-Universität is following this tradition from a present-day point of view with two lectures per semester.