The latest KOSMOS-Lesung from 3 of February 2022 with economist Ottmar Edenhofer (MCC, PIK, TU) has now appeared on the IRI THESys YouTube channel.
Climate, science, politics – comments on a difficult relationship
In his KOSMOS-Lesung, Ottmar Edenhofer explained that science should not be politicised. But that science can help politicians to make the right decisions on climate change. The past has shown that ambitious climate policy often encounters great resistance. Science therefore has a special role to play in the field of tension between climate protection, politics and the economy. It must outline options to show politicians and decision-makers viable ways to effectively and fairly counter man-made climate change.
The event with Ottmar Edenhofer was livestreamed on YouTube and is now permanently available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKQ82Id8HZ8
What is the KOSMOS Lecture Series?
In his famous Kosmos lectures given in 1827/28, Alexander von Humboldt brought the whole world and every scientific discipline within the span of his attention. He looked at the world from a global perspective in which natural and cultural phenomena are connected in a mutual symbiosis. With the new KOSMOS Lecture Series, which has started in 2019, the Humboldt-Universität is following this tradition from a present-day point of view with two lectures per semester.