
Events 2024

  • Jan

    THESys Workshop

    Unconventional careers in human-environmental research

    30 January 2024, 10.00-12.00
    IRI THESy, Rudower Chaussee 12B

    Ever felt you didn’t fit the mould for a conventional career in research? Find it frustrating to iron out the bumps for the sake of a slick CV? Frightened of making the ‘wrong’ career choice? And what if the prize job doesn’t live up to expectations – where do you go from there?

    Gretchen Bakke and Tim Moss will draw on their own experiences to generate a discussion about navigating careers in inter- and transdisciplinary research that do not meet the norm. They will reflect on why they shouldn’t be here at all, give an honest description of their real CVs and quiz each other about what they still left unanswered as a prelude to an open discussion for everyone to get involved.

    This event is not restricted to early career researchers but targeted very much at people from all career stages, including full professors.