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  • Jun

    THESys Members’ Lecture with Henning Nuissl

    Berlin – Historic Development and Housing Market Challenges

    When? 24 June 2022, 13.15-14.45 (Lecture) & 15.00-16.00 (Meet the Member)
    Where? IRI THESys

    The lecture consists of two parts. The first part provides a general overview on the development of the city of Berlin from the perspective of urban geography. The second part highlights current challenges of the Berlin housing market with a particular focus on the issue of displacement. It will include material from a recent empirical study on displacement, conducted at the Applied Geography lab. Building on the latter, the importance of housing market issues for urban sustainability and/or 'governance options' to prevent displacement of tenants could be interesting topics for the following discussion.

    Henning Nuissl is a professor for applied geography and town planning at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Before he joined HU in 2009, he worked with several other universities and research organisations, including the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig, Technische Universität Berlin, Potsdam University, European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), and the Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS). Henning studied spatial planning, sociology, geography, political science and history in Hamburg and Heidelberg, and obtained his Dr. (PhD) in Cottbus. Besides his major research interests – ‘Sociospatial’ patterns and processes in urban areas, Land use change, suburbanization, and urban sprawl, and Local and regional governance – he also likes reflecting on what he is doing and whom this could be helpful for, i. e., on the strengths and pitfalls of applied and/or transdisciplinary research.