
To support the dialogue between science and society, as well as researchers across different disciplines, IRI THESys holds both external and internal events. This includes lecture series, summer universities and panel discussions open to the public, and participative workshops, colloquiums and activities for IRI THESys. Browse through our past and upcoming events to find out more.

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  • Jan

    Interdisciplinary Dialogue: Today’s yesterday – Yesterday’s today

    This first Interdisciplinary Dialogue introduced a new format series on structured, out-of-the-box thinking circling key terms of academic discussion from different perspectives. The panelists included THESys Member Timothy Moss (Social Scientist/Historian, IRI THESys, HU Berlin), Moritz Langer (Climatologist, Institute for Geography, HU Berlin) and Astrid Kirchhof (Historian, Institute for History, HU Berlin) and Franz Mauelshagen (Historian, IASS Potsdam) discussed "Today’s yesterday – Yesterday’s today. Exploring the historical in the contemporary and the contemporary in the historical of human-environment relations".