Doctoral Researcher

“Ecological and multi-cultural networks are the heart to face the challenges of global change. Therefore, the inter- and trans-disciplinary interaction that Iri Thesys offers could result in something interesting.” Leonardo R. Ramírez

Leonardo R. Ramírez is a Doctoral Researcher at IRI THESys. He is an Agricultural Engineer (Chile) postgraduated in Agroecology (Costa Rica) and Biological Sciences with major in Ecology (Chile). His career has been centered on spatial ecology, biodiversity assessment, ecosystem function modelling and sustainable rural development with peasant and indigenous communities. He has worked in Tropical, Meditarreanen and Sub-Antartic ecosystem across Latin-America. His work at IRI THEsys will be focalized on the assessment and modelling of land use/cover change in Temperate Grassland Biome of Uruguay.

Research Interests

  • Metacommunity ecology
  • Spatio-temporal modelling of ecosystem functions
  • Ecological and human impacts of land use/cover change



Selected Publications

Säumel, I., Ramírez, L., Santolin, J., Pintado, K. (2023) Disentangling diversity patterns in Uruguayan grasslands: climatic seasonality, novel land uses and landscape context drive species richness (accepted, Journal of Conservation Science and Practice, doi: 10.1111/csp2.12990)

Säumel, I., Ramírez, L., Tietjen, S., Barra, M., Zagal, E. (2023) Back to the future – Conservative grassland management for Anthropocene soils in the changed landscapes of Uruguay? (accepted, Soil: 10.5194/egusphere-2022-335)

Ramírez L., Säumel, I. (2023) Moderation and mediation of land use change! Inter-play between β-diversity and landscape structures in agri- and silvicultural modified grasslands of South America. Land Degradation & Development 1–13. doi: 10.1002/ldr.4778.

Säumel, I., Alvarez, J., Ramírez, L.R., Barra, M. (2023) Quo vadis Patria Gaucha? Uruguayan Pathways of Land Use Change. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 7:1083938. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2023.1083938.

Ramírez, L., Säumel, I. (2023) There is glory in prevention! Regional spatio-temporal agrochemical runoff into aquatic ecosystems and its potential mitigation using multifunctional buffers. Journal of Hydrology, Regional Studies, 45, 101283. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.101283

Säumel, I. Ramírez, L. (2022) Novel land uses shape metacommunity structures in neighbouring native forests: dataset across Uruguay. Data in Brief,

Ramírez, L. R., & Säumel, I. (2022) Native forest metacommunity structures in Uruguay shaped by novel land-use types in their surroundings. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e8700.

Säumel, I., Ramírez, L.R. (2021) Woody species diversity and land use change legacy: dataset across Uruguay. Data in Brief,

Ramírez, L.R., Säumel, I. (2021) Beyond the boundaries: Do spatio-temporal trajectories of land-use change and cross boundary effects shape the diversity of woody species in Uruguayan native forests? Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment,