Alumna (Doctoral Researcher)

Nadine Schröder is a member of the IRI THESys Graduate Program doing her PhD in water governance. She studied two majors in parallel: East Asian Studies/ Korean Studies B.A. with minor Political Science (Free University of Berlin), Environmental Engineering B.Sc. and M.Sc. (Technical University of Berlin) and Integrated Natural Resource Management M.Sc. (Humboldt-University of Berlin). During her Bachelor studies she spent 7 months in South Korea and Japan for practical experience in environmental planning and took part in the International Summer School of Korea University. During her PhD she spent 2 months as a visiting scholar at the Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis in Bloomington, USA.

Research Interests

  • Water governance
  • Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive
  • Polycentricity
  • Governance structures for cross-administrative border and cross-sectoral cooperation
  • Participation and collaborative governance


Polycentricity and the Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive in Germany

Selected Publications

Schröter, B., Zingraff-Hamed, A., Ott, E., Huang, J., Hüesker, F., Nicolas, C., Schröder, N.J.S. (2021). The knowledge transfer potential of online data pools on nature-based solutions. Science of The Total Environment (762).

Schröder, N.J.S. (2020). Umsetzungsprozesse der EU Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Deutschland: Teil 2 – WRRL-Zielerreichung zwischen Freiwilligkeit und Pflicht. Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft (13), Nr. 12: 687-694.

Schröder, N. J. S., Newig, J., & Watson, N. (2020). Bright Spots for Local WFD Implementation Through Collaboration with Nature Conservation Authorities? Water Alternatives, 13(3), 582-617.

Schröder, N.J.S. (2020). Umsetzungsprozesse der EU Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Deutschland: Teil 1 – WRRL-Zielerreichung zwischen Plan und Machbarkeit. Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft (13), Nr. 9: 490-497.

Schröder, N. J. S., Chaudhary, N. (2020). Trapped between barriers OR Flowing despite barriers? THESys Discussion Paper No. 2020-2. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Pp. 1-13. [Comic]

Schröder, N. J. S., Chaudhary, N. (2020). WRRL-Umsetzungshürden: Unpassierbar oder durchgängig für Maßnahmenträger? THESys Discussion Paper No. 2020-1. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. S. 1-13. [Comic]

Blomquist, W., Schröder, N. J. S. (2019). Seeing Polycentrically. Examining Governance Situations Using a Polycentricity Lens. In: Thiel, A., Blomquist, W., Garrick, D. E. (Eds.). Governing Complexity: Analyzing and Applying Polycentricity (Cambridge Studies in Economics, Choice, and Society). Cambridge. Cambridge University Press: pp. 45-64.

Schröder, N. J. S. (2019). IWRM through WFD Implementation? Drivers for Integration in Polycentric Water Governance Systems. Water, 11(5), 1063.

Özerol, G., Vinke-de Kruijf, J., Brisbois, M. C., Flores, C. C., Deekshit, P., Girard, C., Knieper, C., Mirnezami, S. J., Ortega-Reig, M., Ranjan, P., Schröder, N. J. S., & Schröter, B. (2018). Comparative studies of water governance: a systematic review. Ecology and Society, 23(4), 43.

Schröder, N. J. S. (2018). The Lens of Polycentricity: Identifying polycentric governance systems illustrated through examples from the field of water governance. Environmental Policy and Governance, 28(4).

Schröder, N. J. S. (2014): Die Umsetzung der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Berlin und Hamburg – Vergleich der Ansätze zur Maßnahmenausarbeitung. Der Einfluss lokaler Bedingungen. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.


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