Doctoral Researcher

Pius Borona is a doctoral researcher at IRI THESys. In his career spanning six years he has worked on several topical environmental issues in East and West Africa. He previously worked at World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya on Ecosystem Based Adaptation (EbA) in West Africa. Additionally, he was involved in climate variability and crop yields analysis in Southern Burkina Faso, West Africa at the same institute. Pius has also researched climate variability and change adaptation among small holder farmers in south eastern Kenya. With the International Union for the conservation of nature (IUCN) he worked on natural resource management with pastoral communities in arid and semi-arid Northern Kenya.

Research Interests

  • Water Stress and co-benefits in mixed crop farming systems , East Africa.
  • Climate variability in mixed crop agroecosystems
  • Climate variability and change adaptation in mixed crop agro ecosystems

Selected Publications

Borona et al., (2020). Seasonal climate dynamics, farmer perceptions and multiple risk responses: Lessons from Small holder mixed agro ecosystems in Semi-arid Kenya. Journal of agricultural extension and rural development.

Borona et al., (2019). Vulnerability and adaptation strategies to drought and erratic rains as key extreme events: insights from small scale farming households in mixed crop agro ecosystems of semi-arid Eastern Kenya. African Journal of agricultural research.

Assessing Vulnerability to Climate Change and variability among small scale farmers in Wote Division, Makueni County, Kenya. In Obiri J.F., Kasolo W., Yaye A., Mwazemba J., Ochola, A. and Chakeredza S. (eds). Agribusiness Development and Managing Risk and Uncertainty in African Agriculture: The role of Tertiary Agricultural Education. ANAFE symposium held from 25-28 August 2014 in Yaounde Cameroon. Pg 238-247.

Borona M, Mbow C, Ouedraogo I, Coe R. 2015. Associating multivariate climatic descriptors with cereal yields: A case study of Southern Burkina Faso. ICRAF Working Paper No. 207 Nairobi: World Agro forestry Centre. DOI:

Borona, P., Mbow, C and Ouedraogo, I (2016). Un-stacking high temporal resolution meteorological data for multidimensional analysis of climate variability in southern Burkina Faso. Danish journal of geography.


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