Alumnus (Research Associate / Doctoral Researcher)
“Institutions that truly work interdisciplinary are still a novelty. Of course, it’s comfortable to collaborate in small groups and within own disciplinary boundaries. However, if long-term solutions have to be established it needs several disciplines, above all different approaches and contrasting views. Moreover, if interdisciplinarity expands to transdisciplinarity and jointly developed research results mean social renewal, one can speak without hesitation about the ideal way of scientific interaction at the IRI THESys.” Thomas Wachtel
Thomas Wachtel is currently working as research assistant at IRI THESys to prepare the starting phase of the Horizon2020 project EdiCitNet in close cooperation with the Institute for Ecology of the TU Berlin. EdiCitNet (Edible Cities Network) will innovate, encourage and empower city administrations, SMEs and civil society for Edible City Solutions towards social resilient and sustainably productive cities. The forthcoming 60 project months from September 2018 onwards will also be the opportunity to do a PhD in the field of social geography.
Since 2016 Thomas has worked in different projects focusing on transformation of rural and urban landscapes at Institute for City and Regional Sociology of Humboldt University and Institute of Ecology Technical University of Berlin. Thomas Wachtel holds a diploma in geography (FU Berlin).
Research Interests
- Enhancing urban resilience by developing multifunctional landscapes strategies
- Impact and effect of post-colonial structures
- Migration as the natural behavior and its global effects and reasons