Doctoral Researcher

Anna Heitger is part of IRI THESys and the graduate program since autumn 2019. Within the BMBF-funded consortium Food4Future, her current project is an ethnographic research of future eating practices.

Anna graduated in Cultural and Social Anthropology (BA and MA) at the University of Vienna with a focus on practice theory and theories at the intersection of Anthropology and STS just before starting her PHD. Since 2019, she is also part of the Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment|Human Relations.

Research Interests

  • More-than-human practices, affectivity, materiality, ethnography at the intersection of anthropology and STS
  • Eating as human-environment relation
  • Feminist and decolonial theory

Selected Publications

Heitger, Anna. 2017. Chicana-Feminismus und die Dekolonisierung der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, in: Austrian Studies in Social Anthropology, Journal 2/2017. URL:

Heitger, Anna. 2018. On Self-Tracking as Surveillance Practice, in On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture 6. URL:

Heitger, Anna, 2019. A Printer’s Destiny, in Irish Journal of Anthropology, 22(1), 51-54.

Heitger, Anna (2019): Practices of Self-tracking Technologies in Usage and Design. Individual Strategies and Normative Projects of Objectification. Wien.

Heitger, Biedermann, Niewöhner (2021) More-than-human eating. Reconfiguring environment|body|mind relations in the Anthropocene, in Berliner Blätter. (Forthcoming, Spring 2021)