Enhancement of biodiversity and ecosystem services in small artificial gravel pit lakes through good managerial practice in recreational fisheries

Network Project

The project examines the ecological and social importance of small, artificial lakes. Specifically, we conduct whole-ecosystem experiments in cooperation with fisheries stakeholders to examine how to foster biodiversity and ecosystem services (particularly water-based recreation) through the improvement of shoreline habitats. The project uses in inter- and transdisciplinary research design involving dozens of angling clubs and hundreds of fishers in Lower Saxony. It is jointly executed with the Division of Integrative Fisheries Management and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, the Technical University Berlin, the University of Higher Education Bremen and the Angler Association of Lower Saxony. The ultimate goal is to transform current fisheries management practice by moving away from fish stocking to habitat management.

For more information on the project see here.
