Ocean-based negative emission technologies – analyzing the feasibility, risks, and cobenefits of ocean-based negative emission technologies for stabilizing the climate

Network Project

Ocean NETs is an EU Horizon 2020-funded, inter- and transdisciplinary project that investigates whether ocean-based negative emission technologies (NETs) can play a substantial and sustainable role in limiting global warming. Dr. Stefan Schäfer (IASS Potsdam and IRI THESys) leads Work Package 2 of Ocean NETs, on assessing the governance, policy, and legal dimensions of ocean-based NETs. Dr. Kari De Pryck (IASS Potsdam) is a postdoctoral researcher in the project, examining the conditions under which ocean-based NETs become accepted in, or rejected from, specific cultural and political contexts, in countries that have experience with such technologies. The project focuses on the emergence of ocean NETs within existing regulatory structures, material flows, and actor constellations, and as multifaceted objects of scientific study, technological development, commercial exploitation, national regulatory power, global governance, and activism. It relates to the climate, infrastructure, and water research areas of IRI THESys by exploring the new forms of collaboration and contestation arising from constructing the ocean as a field for mitigation technologies.

More information on the project can be found here.
