Project Staff AnthropoScenes

Science Communication Pauline Münch is part of the project AnthropoScenes which works at the intersection of science and theatre to connect different audiences to the future of water in Berlin-Brandenburg. With innovative and collaborative formats, AnthropoScenes aims to make sustainable water futures public. Pauline holds a BA in Psychology from the University of British Columbia…

THESys Office Adminstrative Management

Alumna (Administrative Management) Jeannette Latino takes care of the administrative management at IRI THESys together with Olof Krüger. Jeannette earned an MA from the Universität Greifswald where she majored in Slavic Studies, with minors in American Studies, Business Administration and German as a Foreign Language. During her studies, Jeannette worked for one year in St.…

THESys Office Adminstrative Management

Alumnus (Administrative Management) Olof Krüger takes care of the administrative management at THESys together with Jeannette Latino. Originally trained as a bookseller, he started his career in science administration at Freie Universität Berlin, where he worked as secretary for the research training program of a collaborative research center. Olof started working at THESys in February,…

Project Staff EdiCitNet

Alumna (Project Staff EdiCitNet) Sophia Kipp is supporting the Edible Cities Network at IRI THESys as an associate researcher, focusing on dissemination, education and knowledge transfer within the project. Before that, she worked as a student assistant for the IRI THESys administration and obtained the master’s degree in Global Change Geography at the HU’s Geography…