Doctoral Researcher

Miguel is a doctoral researcher at the Agricultural and Food Policy Group in the Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute at Humboldt University, Berlin, funded by DAAD. He obtained an M.Sc. after successfully concluding the Integrated Natural Resource Management program at HU and has a background as an economist with a B.Sc. from La Molina National Agrarian University, Lima. At this university, Miguel has been a lecturer in the Academic Department of Economics and Planning since 2019. Since 2022 he holds a position as an assistant professor, which he maintains.

He participated in research groups in Peru during the last ten years. His recent activities related to the infrastructure policy in the Peruvian Amazon and ways for incorporating processes or changes to reduce undesirable side effects. Previous work dealt with the dynamics of oil palm cultivation in the Peruvian Amazon. Such research addressed the potential negative and positive impacts of the expansion of this crop to analyse possible paths for its development. Miguel also worked for the Peruvian government on issues related to forest policy. Specifically, he held a position at the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in 2013, concerned with the forest sector’s institutional reform.

Research Interests

  • Public Policy Analysis and Institutional Analysis
  • Agricultural Policy
  • Amazon deforestation

Selected Publications

La Rosa Salazar, M. A. (2021). Preocupaciones y cambios de política: ¿hacia la sostenibilidad de la palma aceitera en la Amazonía? Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales, Vol. 21(1), 59-78.

La Rosa Salazar, M. A. (2020). El discurso en la política del cultivo de palma aceitera en el Perú. Anales Científicos, Vol. 81 (1), 173-182.

La Rosa Salazar, M. A., Minaya, C., & Guillén, L. (2020). Mercados para la conservación de bosques en Perú: una crítica desde la economía. Natura@economía, Vol. 5(2), 144-157.

Barrantes, R., Borasino, E., Glave, M., La Rosa, M. A., & Vergara, K. (2016). De la Amazonía su palma: aportes a la gestión territorial en la región Loreto. Lima, Peru: IEP, DAR y GRADE.

Barrantes, R., La Rosa M. A., Glave, M., Borasino, E., Vergara, K., & Ramos, A. (2016). El rol de la asociatividad en la sostenibilidad del cultivo de palma aceitera a pequeña escala en el Bajo Huallaga. El caso de JARPAL. In Ed. Durand, J. F.; Urrutia, J.; and Yon, C. Perú: el problema agrario en debate SEPIA XVI. Lima, Peru: Seminario Permanente de Investigación Agraria.