Doctoral Researcher As a doctoral candidate at IRI THESys, Aditya will be working on a research project examining the adoption of Solar Powered Irrigation Systems in India from systems perspective. The study is aimed at deciphering the dynamics of technology adoption, from the lens of both innovation system involving different actors in the chain, as…

Doctoral Researcher Anja Klein is a doctoral researcher at IRI THESys and a research associate at the Institute of European Ethnology. At the latter, she received her M.A. with a focus on Science and Technology Studies and began researching models and simulations of human-environment relations as a knowledge practice which then developed into her PhD-project.…

Doctoral Researcher Anna Heitger is part of IRI THESys and the graduate program since autumn 2019. Within the BMBF-funded consortium Food4Future, her current project is an ethnographic research of future eating practices. Anna graduated in Cultural and Social Anthropology (BA and MA) at the University of Vienna with a focus on practice theory and theories…

Doctoral Researcher Clemens Jänicke is a doctoral researcher IRI THESys and funded by the FORLand project at the Leibnitz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO). His research focuses on the relationship between land ownership structures and land use intensity. In his work he will quantitatively assess the ownership concentration of different ownership groups…

Doctoral Researcher Cristián Flores Fernández works with Prof. Dr. Tobias Krüger in the Hydrology and Society research group of the Department of Geography and IRI THESys. His PhD project studies the transformations and uncertainties that brine extraction for lithium and potassium mining generates in the socio-natural metabolism of the salt flats of northern Chile. From…

Doctoral Researcher David Meng-Chuen Chen is a doctoral researcher at IRI THESys and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). He completed his BSc. in International Agriculture and Food Systems at McGill University (2015) and MSc. at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin in Integrated Natural Resource Management (2020). His master’s thesis produced projections of…

Doctoral Researcher Denis Momanyi is pursuing doctoral studies at the Department of Agricultural Economics, Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute and the Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Additionally, he is an affiliate doctoral researcher at the Sustainable Land Use in Developing Countries (SusLAND) working/research group at the Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural…

Coordination Postdoc Academy

Doctoral Researcher, Coordination Postdoc Academy E. Grace Leonnig is a recent graduate from University College London (UCL) with a Master of Science in Anthropology, Environment, and Development. Prior, she obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Anthropology from Fairfield University, USA. Currently, Grace is in pursuit of her PhD from the Department of Geography…

Doctoral Researcher Haoying Li is a doctoral researcher at IRI THESys since October 2019. She has finished her bachelor and master degree at Southwest University in China majoring in human geography. Since 2016, Haoying Li has focused on the land use and rural development issue, mainly on the rural human settlements and various stakeholders of…

Doctoral Researcher Heindriken Dahlmann is a doctoral researcher at the IRI THESys and the Geography Department of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Her PhD project is funded by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. Heindriken’s research focuses on telecoupled water flows, especially in the form of virtual water embedded in agricultural products. Within her PhD project, she tries to disentangle…