Alumnus (Student Assistant) Nicolás Rojas studied Geography (Bachelor of Science) at the Humboldt University of Berlin (HU). During this period, he worked as a student assistant in the climatology department at the geography department of HU. Afterwards he made an internship in the field of public transport at the Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg VBB. Currently he is…

Alumna (Doctoral Researcher) Nicole van Maanen graduated in Climate Studies from Wageningen University and Research (MSc.) and in Politics, Administration and Organisation from Universität Potsdam (B.A.). She wrote her master thesis at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and has worked as a Research Analyst at Climate Analytics since 2019. During her Bachelor…

Alumna (Doctoral Researcher) My work here at IRI-THESy focuses on two related aspects: In one part of my project I look at the use of expertise in climate change Loss and Damage negotiations. I am curious how developing country negotiators use expertise and to what effect. The other part of my project looks at how…

THESys Office Adminstrative Management

Alumnus (Administrative Management) Olof Krüger takes care of the administrative management at THESys together with Jeannette Latino. Originally trained as a bookseller, he started his career in science administration at Freie Universität Berlin, where he worked as secretary for the research training program of a collaborative research center. Olof started working at THESys in February,…

Alumna (Student Assistant) Palak Gupta is currently working as a student assistant at the IRI THESys project EdiCitNet. She is pursuing her masters in Integrated Natural Resource Management at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Prior to the masters, she has worked as a consultant with private sector and international foundations such as GIZ to design and implement…

Alumni (Student Assistant) Pascal Kraft studies Geography at the Humboldt-Universität, has been active in the Sustainability Office HU since the winter semester 2018, is a co-founder of Students For Future HU and has been co-deputy for Ecology and Environmental Protection at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin since June 2022. In addition to his studies, Pascal Kraft has…

Alumnus (Student Assistant) Paul Schulze is currently supporting the interdisciplinary research group of students holding the Humboldt-Scholarship ‚Sustainability and Global Justice‘. He is enrolled in the bachelor program Geography with focus on human geography since 2018. Paul is a future fellow of the NEURUS program, planning a research stay next year in Phoenix, AZ, for…

Alumnus (Doctoral Researcher) Peter Pfleiderer’s research is focused on the influence of global warming on weather extremes. For the EmBARK project he studies to which extend global warming makes extreme hurricane seasons more likely. Peter studied physics at the Freie Universität Berlin, wrote his master thesis at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact research and…

Alumna (Guest Researcher) Roberta is a doctoral researcher at São Paulo University in Brazil and currently is a visiting researcher at the Department of Agriculture and Food Policy in the Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and IRI Thesys. Her research focuses on social participation and urban food policies in São Paulo municipality. During…

Alumnus (former Member) Roland Strausz chairs the Institute of Economic Theory 1 at the School of Business and Economics. He received his doctorate at the Free University of Berlin in 1998, where he finished his habilitation in 2005. He is director of the RTG1659 “Interdependencies in the regulation of markets” and a principal investigator in…