In the Media


Who loses, who wins? The pros and cons of mega-dams


A newspaper article in the Tagesspiegel describes how the IRI THESys project Water security for whom? explores mega-dams and where the challenges lie on the ground. The interdisciplinary project investigates in/equalities around multipurpose reservoirs in Colombia.

The Violence in Kyrgyz Gold


In this concise writing for the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS), Dr. Beril Ocaklı revisits the saga of the now complete nationalisation of Kyrgyzstan’s largest gold mine ‘Kumtor’. Therein, she spotlights the insidious slow violence that the Kyrgyzstani state perpetuates through gold mining and conceals through the never-ending resource controversies around lost and found Kumtor gold.

Award Ceremony: Circle U Prize 2022 for Robert Arlinghaus


IRI THESys Member Robert Arlinghaus was awarded the Inter Circle U Prize 2022 for his inter- and transdisciplinary work. In this YouTube video showing the award ceremony, he talks about his research dealing with solutions for sustainable fisheries.

Germany’s pioneer ‘edible city’ on the Rhine


In this portrait of the EdiCitNet project in Andernach, project members talk about their engagement in making the community more aware of how food is grown. The subproject even utilizes the old courtyard to house chickens and sell their eggs in a local shop. See the article and photos on the DW website.

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