
MOOC: Cultivating Sustainable Urban Environments

On 15 February 2024, the EdiCitNet project launched its Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Making Cities Edible: Cultivating Sustainable Urban Environments”. This online course invites you to explore the fascinating intersection of urban development and food production, unraveling the full potential of Edible City Solutions. The course is free of charge. On 15 February 2024,…

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Desirée Hetzel: the BUA and me

In the third episode of the series “The BUA and me – Protocols from the Excellence Network”, THESys Postdoc Desirée Hetzel reports on her work in the research project “Climate and Water under Change” (CliWaC). The anthropologist is investigating how people in Berlin and Brandenburg react to environmental changes and what this means for their…

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Successful PhD: Congratulations to Nicole van Maanen

On 22 January 2024, Nicole van Maanen successfully defended her PhD thesis “Development of scenarios for sectoral adaptive capacity to climate change”, supervised by Prof. Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, at the Geography Department at HU Berlin. She graduated with magna cum laude. In her doctoral thesis, Nicole developed indices to evaluate adaptive capacity, delving into their socioeconomic…

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New Blog Post: River Points Along the Spree

In August 2023, researchers Desirée Hetzel, Fabio Brill and Patricia Usée from Climate and Water Under Change (CliWaC), Pauline Münch from AnthropoScenes and along with Till Goldmann published a blog post and coinciding interactive map in the Umwelt Ethnologie AG of the DGSKA (Environmental Anthropology Working Group). The post, titled Flusspunke Entlang der Spree: Szenen…

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THESys Award 2023 for Bachelor and Master theses – Winners announced

In 2023, as every year, the IRI THESys invited students to submit their final theses for consideration for the THESys Award. We received a number of wonderful submissions from students in Geography, European Ethnology, Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Economics, Integrated Natural Resource Management, Psychology, Global Change Geography, and Business Administration, among them many theses supervised by…

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Henning Nuissl: new Academic Chair of the Circle U. Democracy Hub

Since November 2023, THESys Member Prof. Henning Nuissl has been playing an active role in the Circle U. initiative, in which nine leading European universities – including HU Berlin – have joined forces to contribute to democratic, healthy and sustainable social development through teaching and research. How to strengthen democracy and civic engagement Together with…

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Official launch of the new Edible Cities Network online platform

On December 1st, the Edible Cities Network team held a webinar attended by over 60 people where their newly developed platform was presented. The website combines all resources, previous platforms, lessons learned, and most importantly the connections that were made during the project. It aims to connect and inspire changemakers from all over the world…

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Successful PhD: Congratulations to Tomás Usón

On 07 December 2023, Tomás Usón successfully defended his PhD thesis “Remembering Future Disasters: Temporal Ecologies in the Peruvian Andes” at the Institute of European Ethnology at HU Berlin. He graduated with summa cum laude. The PhD thesis was supervised by Prof. Ignacio Farías and Prof. Sharon Macdonald (both HU Berlin) and further evaluated by…

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Hello students: Apply for our Humboldt-Scholarship – deadline on 6 February!

The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is once again awarding scholarships from the Deutschlandstipendium programme to its students. Among them are 15 positions for the Humboldt-Scholarship Sustainability & Global Justice, which is based at IRI THESys. Interested students are invited to apply until 15 January 2024! Next Humboldt-Scholarship: Sustainability and Democracy Starting in April 2024, 15 Bachelor’s…

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Humboldt-Preis for Hannah Prawitz

On 13 November 2023, Hannah Prawitz, former student assistant at IRI THESys, was awarded the Humboldt-Preis 2023 for her master thesis “Towards modeling the Anthropocene: Conception and analysis of planetary-scale social-ecological feedbacks”, which was supervised by Tobias Krüger (IRI THESys) and Jonathan Donges (PIK). The award honors outstanding academic work by students and junior researchers…

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