
Call for Participation: Online workshop on critical water modelling

The Water Security For Whom research project at IRI THESys and the Water Resources Management Group of the Wageningen University jointly organize a two-day online workshop on connecting critical research on water modelling from 19-20 January 2022. The workshop aims to provide an opportunity to share experiences and examples of critical, creative and reflexive engagement…

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Commited to urban health and well-being: new papers out

THESys researcher Ina Säumel and her research project HealthyLiving published two new articles investigating the perception of residential greenery in Berlin. What the view out of the window reveals Based on 504 photos of window views taken at 32 study sites for the four main Central European building types in Berlin, this study shows that…

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Hello students! Apply for the THESys Award 2021!

For the 7th time, IRI THESys awards the THESys Award for excellent Bachelor and Master theses in the field of sustainability research. All HU students are invited to apply! Deadline for applications is November 30, 2021. What’s the THESys Award? The THESys Award honours talented students for their final theses written in the fields of…

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Global network takes stock of human adaptation to climate change

As member of a global network of 126 researchers, THESys researcher Delphine Deryng co-authored a paper on climate change adaptation published in “Nature Climate Change” on October 28, 2021. The study includes the most systematic and comprehensive assessment of implemented human adaptation to climate change to date. “Our results provide a warning call” As society experiences…

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Paper on rainwater harvesting in rural South Africa

THESys Doctoral Researcher Karen Lebek recently published the third paper of her dissertation in the International Journal of Water Resources Development, together with Tobias Krueger. The authors explore determining factors for makeshift and conventional rainwater harvesting in rural South Africa and implications of the rainwater harvesting mode for household water insecurity. Abstract In underserved rural…

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First seminar for the 4th Postdoc Academy cohort

From September 28 to 30, the fourth cohort of the Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership started their learning journey with the four academic partners IRI THESys, Leuphana University, Stockholm Resilience Center and DRIFT from the University of Rotterdam. Twenty postdocs based at different European research institutes and universities shared their first ideas on regnerative development…

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Infrastructure Walkshop at the Berlin Science Week

With two walkshops around Berlin’s water and energy infrastructures, IRI THESys is part of this year’s Science Week. The guided tours with Timothy Moss will take place on November 7 and 10. A ‘walkshop’ around Berlin’s water and energy infrastructures In two guided tours, the historian Prof. Timothy Moss takes you on a journey along…

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