
Outstanding research: Heidi Kreibich honoured with Volker Medal

THESys Member Heidi Kreibich is honoured with the Volker Medal, the International Hydrology Award. Congratulations! An outstanding contributions to analysing and managing flood risks The International Association for Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) honours the promotion of hydrological sciences across all disciplines. Heidi Kreibich receives the prize for her outstanding contributions to analysing and managing flood risks…

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We Wrap Up a Unique Programme: The Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership

In July, after five successful cycles, the coordinating office of the Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership at IRI THESys closed its metaphorical doors. The Postdoc Academy for Transformational Leadership was a career development and capacity-building programme for postdoctoral researchers at European universities, co-led by four academic centres. Partners at the IRI THESys, Leuphana University Lüneburg,…

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Open Access: towards the City of the Future

THESys Member Dr. Ina Säumel has contributed a chapter on geographies of the edible city in international comparison to the newly published volume ‘Unterwegs in die Stadt der Zukunft: Urbane Gärten als Orte der Transformation’, edited by Andrea Baier, Christa Müller and Karin Werner. Discovering the transformative power of urban gardens From pioneering projects to…

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Successful PhD: Congratulations to Nadine Jenny Shirin Schröder

On July 22, 2024, Nadine Jenny Shirin Schröder successfully defended her PhD thesis, “Order with and without design in polycentric governance systems: Exploring the role of independence and multiplicity in decision-making for WFD implementation processes.” Her thesis was supervised by Prof. Wolfgang Dickhaut and Prof. Nigel Watson at the Environmentally Sound Urban and Infrastructure Planning…

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Situated modelling: joint paper out!

Under the lead of doctoral researcher Anja Klein, the Situated Modelling Working Group of IRI THESys published their joint open access paper “From situated knowledges to situated modelling: a relational framework for simulation modelling”. In this paper the authors extend the use of a relational approach to simulation modelling, a widely used knowledge practice in…

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Congratulations: AnthropoScenes selected as Falling Walls Engage Finalist

The IRI THESys Science Engagement project AnthropoScenes and its coordinator Pauline Münch have been selected as a Falling Walls Engage Finalist! Well done! Outstanding Science Engagement Every year since 2018, the Falling Walls platform has been calling organisations and individuals active in Science Engagement to submit their projects or initiatives. This year, the IRI THESys…

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Video recording online: KOSMOS-Lesung by Hermann Lotze-Campen

On 31 May 2024, THESys Member Hermann Lotze-Campen (PIK) gave a KOSMOS-Lesung at HU Berlin. In his lecture “Eine umfassende Agrar- und Ernährungstransformation ist möglich – und sie ist von zentraler Bedeutung für eine nachhaltige Ausgestaltung des Anthropozäns”, the agricultural economist started out by emphasising that the development of agriculture and food systems can be…

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New project: Healthy and Biodiverse Edible Cities

The new research project “Healthy and Biodiverse Edible Cities” (HEBEDI), led by THESys Member Dr. Ina Säumel and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), explores the impact of biodiversity on urban health. A transdisciplinary Community of Knowledge and Practice Building on the successes of EdiCitNet and the HealthyLiving projects, IRI…

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Successful PhD: Congratulations to Krys Unverzagt

On 13 May 2024, Krys Unverzagt successfully defended her PhD thesis “Enactments of Knowledge and Social Order in Participatory Modelling: An Ethnographic Perspective on the Relationship between Science and Democracy”, supervised by Prof. Jörg Niewöhner and Prof. Tobias Krüger, at the Institut für Europäische Ethnologie (IfEE) and IRI THESys. She graduated with summa cum laude.…

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KOSMOS-Lesung by Hermann Lotze-Campen

On 30 May 2024, Prof. Hermann Lotze-Campen will give a KOSMOS-Lesung on agricultural and food transformation. The agricultural economist will explain why such a transformation is urgently needed, but also possible, and why it is of central importance for shaping the Anthropocene in a sustainable way. A comprehensive agricultural and food transformation is possible -…

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