
New project brings rural population and geoscientists together

Water, soil and people – this is what THESys researchers Theresa Frommen and Tobia Lakes want to investigate in their new BMBF-funded science communication project “Geowissenschaftliche Landpartie (Geosciences go rural)” as part of the Science Year 2022 – Participate! What is happening in rural areas? The aim of the project is to facilitate direct exchange…

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Congratulations to the EdiCitNet Award Winners

On February 17th, during the second day of the Making Cities Edible Conference, the winners of the first-ever EdiCitNet awards were announced. These are the winners: Mellomrommet (“The Space”), a community-driven urban garden initiative in Oslo, Norway; Issam Ben Chaaben, an innovative and resourceful urban farmer in Carthage, Tunisia; RESTLOS GLÜCKLICH e.V., an initiative working…

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Making Sustainable Water Futures Public

“Water is life, but nobody knows it!” exclaimed a passerby of the bright orange and purple Mall Anders in the Wilma shopping centre. A temporary learning lab built within a former retail space, Mall Anders has become a hub for transdisciplinary events, exhibitions and workshops. Funded by the Berlin-University Alliance, the space invites everyone— including collectives,…

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PNAS paper: 50 land use scientists publish call to action

A new report released in February 2022 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) is a call to action. It addresses policymakers worldwide seeking to develop sustainable and equitable solutions to our most urgent global challenges. “Ten Facts about Land Systems for Sustainability” was co-authored by…

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Situated modeling workshop

In early December 2021, Rossella Alba, Anja Klein and Krystin Unverzagt organized a 2-day workshop on situated modeling together with colleagues and collaborators from the Potsdam institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the Stockholm Resilience Center (SRC). The researchers came together to engage in a first exploration on the possibility of doing “situated modeling”,…

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New paper: the implementation of natural climate solutions

THESys Doctoral Researcher Ingrid Schulte just published the first paper of her PhD, a topical review in Environmental Research Letters as a part of the focus collection on Tropical Landscape Restoration. What influences the implementation of natural climate solutions? A systematic map and review of the evidence The paper, co-authored by Jonas Ø. Nielsen and…

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Open Bachelor and Master Theses

IRI THESys Member Dr. Ina Säumel supervises Bachelor and Master theses in the field of multifunctional landscapes together with colleagues from the Technical University and Free University of Bozen. The researchers are looking for students who would like to work either on traditional medicinal plants in South Tyrol or on alternative uses of cemeteries. Lebensraum…

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New webinar series on Urban Food Innovation

The EdiCitNet project launches the bi-monthly webinar series “Urban Food Innovations”. The series is designed as global lunch talks to explore experiences from different countries around the world. Different continents – same challenges! Let’s learn from each other! Edible City Solutions such as urban farms, community gardens, urban beehives or sheep farms, green facades and…

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Bachelor and Master students: Apply for a Humboldt-Scholarship

The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is once again awarding scholarships from the Deutschlandstipendium programme to its students. Among them are 15 positions for the Humboldt-Scholarship “Sustainability & Global Justice”, which is based at IRI THESys. Students are invited to apply until 21 January 2022! Humboldt-Scholarship: Exploring the light and shade of the mobility transition As a…

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