
Press release: A new hydro-social reality in Colombia

In March, the research team of the Water security for Whom? project spent two weeks in Colombia for the first in-person project workshop. A press release about their research has now been published. Who loses, who wins? The pros and cons of mega-dams “Colombian mega-dams are creating a new hydro-social reality,” says Prof. Tobias Krüger,…

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Call open: THESys Summer School on Situating Hydrological Modelling

From 18-22 September 2023, IRI THESys will host a summer school for doctoral researchers. The call for participation is now open. Application is possible until 16 April. How to situate hydrological modelling? Let’s do some research on research! Hydrological modelling is central to attempts at better understanding and predicting the uneven water distributions that increasingly…

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Anna Frohn Pedersen: successful defence

On 3 February 2023, THESys researcher Anna Frohn Pedersen has successfully defended her doctoral thesis “In the Search for Gold: Hope, Power and Precarity in Artisanal and Small-scale Mining”. Congratulations! Anna’s doctoral project explored the global-local entanglements within the artisanal and small-scale gold mining sector of Tanzania, and how these connections enable, disturb and disrupt flows…

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New Paper: Agricultural intensification, Indigenous stewardship and land sparing

Together with colleagues, THESys doctoral researcher Marie Pratzer has published a paper on agricultural intensification, Indigenous stewardship and land sparing in tropical dry forests in Nature Sustainability. “Higher yields are often assumed to lead to less deforestation, because more can be produced on less land. We find that this assumption is wrong, especially where market-oriented…

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Experimental study: Conversion of agro-residues into biochar

Mario A. Heredia S., THESys guest scientist, and Ina Säumel, THESys Member, have together published a paper that involves indigenous communities of the Andes Highlands, a science-based start-up in Ecuador and the European Committee for Training and Agriculture CEFA. Mario A. Heredia S., THESys guest scientist, and Ina Säumel, THESys Member, have together published a paper that involves indigenous…

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THESys Award 2022: Five Bachelor and Master theses honoured

The winners of the THESys Award 2022 have been chosen. Congratulations to Colin Lehmann, Sophie Vermeulen, Sarah Felix, Eva-Maria Kachold and Alexander Meinert for their outstanding Bachelor and Master theses! With this prize, the IRI THESys annually honours talented students of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin who have written a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis in the field…

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New paper: Multi-method approach to understand air pollution in Nagasaki

THESys Postdoc Santos Chicas recently authored a paper in Scientific Reports on spatiotemporal distribution, trend, forecast, and influencing factors of transboundary and local air pollutants in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan . Helping to implement more effective pollution management strategies The study used a multi-method approach to provide a holistic understanding of PM2.5 and NO2 pollution in…

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Joint paper: Enabling spaces for bridging scales

The IRI THESys Postdoc Network has published a joint paper on “Enabling spaces for bridging scales: scanning solutions in interdisciplinary human–environment research” in Sustainability Science. For this collaborative paper, Cecilie Friis, Mónica Hernández-Morcillo, Matthias Baumann, Claudia Coral, Theresa Frommen, Arash Ghoddousi, David Loibl, and Philippe Rufin have joined forces to untangle the issue of scales. Scales:…

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